Monday, May 16, 2011

Sad: Member From Cali Swagg District Murdered

Sadly reported from the member known as Mbone was murdered by rival gang members just last night.

Here's how their telling it, " has some very disturbing news. Last night, M Bone, from the group Cali Swagg District was murdered.

Here's what we know. According to a VERY CREDIBLE anonymous source M Bone was with friends in Inglewood, California when he was approached by a group of men wearing BLUE clothing.

The men attempted to rob M Bone, and his friends. And during the robbery - M Bone was shot and killed. Police now say the robbers were IN A CAR.

This is incredibly sad. The young man, who is from the group who made the song Teach Me How To DOUGIE - was just 21 years old."

This is truly sad. Kids cant find anything better to do then to kill their peers. And for what reason? Fast Cash? Respect?

This 21 year old boy still had many years ahead of him to learn and discover new things but it was shameless taken by another young man simply playing with toys.


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